This guide, aimed at educators, offer specific content on the risks faced by adolescents in the use of new technologies. Educators might learn to identify the symptoms that reflect the problems caused by the misuse of new technologies, both physical and mental, as well as received information on the procedures to be followed in each case.

Index of contents:

  • Abuse of ICT´s. Health and Wellbeing.
  • Misuse of connected digital technologies.
  • Cyberbullyng & Security.
  • Disinformation and Critical Thinking.
  • UN Convention  on the Rigths of the Child.

Currently avaliable in Spanish and Portuguese versión. Soon the guide will be avaliable in English.

The guide is released as an Open Educational Resource, which means that it is an open license product that permits no cost access, as well as use, adaptation and redistribution by others.


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